I’m a musician, writer, and comic artist. Welcome to my website.
All in Humor
Sometimes you need to take stock of your life and the face reality of your limitations.
I have done so, and am resigned that...
Most men can’t write good poetry. We know it’s true. So I have created a royalty-free valentine that you can use as your own. Free of charge. Just fill in her name at the beginning and you’re good to go.
If you have ever been to Scotland and traveled on one of their many narrow roads. Roads where you might have accidentally rubbed the side of your rental car against a stone wall running directly alongside the road...
Don’t do what I did. I am begging you. Heed my sage advice. Here’s my sad tale. I had a cold for four days. Forcing me to cancel guitar lessons for three days. Leading to the daunting future tasks of...
I usually know when a mouse gets in our house, because of the surprisingly loud scream my wife makes when she spots one. Usually at 3:00 in the morning. Then I get the nearly impossible task of trying to catch the mouse and throw it out of the house. I am 2 for 4 using the catch and release method...
According to the latest Star Trek movies, in the future:
Man can build a machine that can disassemble a person, beam them through space, and reassemble them with their soul and consciousness intact, but they usually can't get the warp drive to work when they really need it...
I don't use Facebook the way most people do. I use it as a creative outlet for my weird thoughts, stories, observations, and other wacky stuff. One of the things I like to post is fictitious quotes that I assign to celebrities, historical figures, and fictional characters. Normally only my small group of Facebook friends has to put up with this stuff, but being an equal opportunity annoyer I thought I would share some with you.
Grandfather: "When I was a kid, people would spend most of the day staring at televisions, computers, tablets, and phones."
Grandson: "Didn't you have parks, or beaches, or backyards to play in then?"