
I’m a musician, writer, and comic artist. Welcome to my website.

A Day In The Life Of A Fool

A Day In The Life Of A Fool

Way back in July of 2104 I started working on a chord melody arrangement of the jazz standard A Day In The Life Of A Fool. The title was prophetic. It was a major challenge. I did eventually work out an arrangement I thought sounded good. And I began practicing it. It took a long time to memorize and even longer to be able to play it well. Then I tried to make a video of myself playing it. Ha! Mistake after mistake every time I made an attempt. Several tires over several months. It became ridiculous. Today all my lessons were cancelled due to snow so I decided I would record it today and post it no matter what. 

Well the same thing happened. Mistake after mistake. Finally I got through the song with flaws I could live with and posted the video on YouTube. I need to move on! 

Here it is. Warts and all. 

The Lamp Tie Rap

The Lamp Tie Rap

Songs Worth Learning - 16

Songs Worth Learning - 16