
I’m a musician, writer, and comic artist. Welcome to my website.

Pedal Dreams

Pedal Dreams

Like most guitar players, in addition to astrophysics and molecular biology, I also studied electrical engineering. So as a side job I have decided to create a line of boutique guitar pedals. I am looking for feedback from my fellow guitar players. Here are my first two designs. What do you think?


Its name says it all. Simply step on the switch and you will have awesome tone and playing ability. No need to fiddle with knobs or jumper switches or rockers or toggles. Just get awesome.



There are many styles of music. Who has time to master them all? You don’t need to with the Stylist. Simply pick a style of music and dial in how much of that style you want. Great for blending styles (dare I use the word “fusion?”)


Any suggestions for the next model?

Shopping For Electric Guitars

Shopping For Electric Guitars

Songs Worth Learning - 2

Songs Worth Learning - 2