
I’m a musician, writer, and comic artist. Welcome to my website.

Songs Worth Learning - 3

Songs Worth Learning - 3

There are certain songs that I think every guitar player should try to learn. Either they have cool guitar parts, or they will expand your playing skills, or they will introduce you to a style of music you may not have played before. I am going to recommend songs in several styles of music and explain why I think they should be added to your “play list.” Obviously, these are my choices, and no doubt, some will disagree with my choices. But each song has something good to offer so I think they are worth learning.

This will eventually be a huge list so I am going to post them one song at a time in no particular order. Take your time and enjoy each one.

Eat A Peach - The Allman Brothers

Melissa - The Allman Brothers

The Allman Brother Band were know for having two electric guitar players playing harmonized guitar parts. They fused blues, jazz, and country to create a style that became known as “southern rock.” But this song feature acoustic guitar and the use of open chord shapes ascending and descending the neck with lots of open strings. Which makes for a beautiful acoustic guitar part, and some chords whose names are debatable. It is easier to play than it looks and is a great chords progression to practice soloing over in the key of E. A good one for beginners or advanced guitarist to learn.

Here are the ascending and then descending opening chords. Notice the moveable shape of the second and third chords:

My First Stomp Box

My First Stomp Box

Shopping For Acoustic Guitars

Shopping For Acoustic Guitars